Ellie's Blog

Waffles and Other Assignments


on October 9, 2013

In a dark, dark world
There was a dark, dark land
And in that dark, dark land,
There was a dark, dark town
And in that dark, dark town,
There was a dark, dark house
And in that dark, dark house
There was a dark, dark room
And in that dark, dark room
There was a dark, dark closet
And in that dark, dark closet
There was a dark, dark coat
And in that dark, dark coat
There was a dark, dark pocket
And in that dark, dark pocket,
There was a twisted, twisted spoon

This is a story my sister made up (I think). Usually, the ending goes different though. We try to make it so it would make the others laugh. There have been pink jelly beans, a sonic screwdriver, the god of all muffins, a few mice and once even another universe in that dark, dark pocket. Now we tell it to our cousins whenever we see them.

2 Responses to “Dark”

  1. oliviap403 says:

    This is a cool poem because you don’t know what to expect at the end, then it’s a surprise! Also it’s cool that you can change it up because then you will never Know what’s coming next!

  2. dahlial620 says:

    In a dark, dark pocket, there was a…… WAFFLE!!!!!

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